Wednesday, August 25, 2010

DinDin-A-GoGo Orange County is a Hit!

Tonight was the first DinDin-A-GoGo in Irvine. What a fun and packed night it was. We got there right when it started and already there was a good crowd of people waiting for the five food trucks to open their windows.

DinDin-A-GoGo is a weekly event on Thursday nights in Gardena. Tropical Shave Ice and Lomo Arigato have brought it to the OC. The event will now also be held weekly, Wednesday nights, at K1 Speed on Von Karmen/McGaw.

One of the things we like most about DinDin-A-GoGo, is how many people bring their chairs and make an evening of it. They hang out with their family and friends while eating some spectacular food! Think of it as the new family dinner table; families with children, couples, students, people from all walks of life. This was an event that everyone could enjoy. We had a chance to meet up with some of our friends as well. Some are food truck fanatics like us and some just know great food when they taste it.

The lineup tonight was Tropical Shave Ice, Lomo Arigato, Piaggio on Wheels, The Shrimp Guys and Calbi BBQ. Next week we expect that Dos Chinos will be on site.

Considering the event was just announced on Monday, we were happy to see such a huge turnout and all the support the trucks received. It was a nice mix having both OC and LA trucks at the event.

If you are a fan of food trucks or just want to try one to see what all the rage is about, come by DinDin-A-GoGo next week and make sure to say Hi! I think this might become our regular Wednesday night dinner spot.

Check out some of the food!!  

Chicken Milanesa Sandwich - Piaggio on Wheels

Coconut Lime Shrimp - The Shrimp Guys

808 Shave Ice with Snow Cap and EXTRA Li Hing Mui - Tropical Shave Ice

Chaufa with Tofu - Lomo Arigato

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  1. it was a great night! are they going to continue it every week, hopefully with different trucks? that would even be better :D

  2. Yes, from what I understand this will be a weekly event. I few of the trucks will be the same but they are planning to change out a couple each week. The Gardena version changes out three trucks every week.

  3. So happy that this is a hit for the OC. Pretty awesome turnout the 2nd week as well!

  4. Yes it was. I am bummed I will miss this next week, SNF is going to Denver. I am hunting down a Food Truck around Boulder!

  5. god bless food trucks

  6. Don't have a truck but I can sell cupcakes! :)
    will you consider me next time?

  7. Haha I put almost as much Li Hing Miu as you do! Awesome. I refuse shaved ice without it.
