Saturday, March 13, 2010

Whoever knew Food Trucks would be so Cool – Crepes Bonaparte Truck

You know I love my Diners, Drive-ins and Dives (DDD), but I am really starting to get the gourmet food truck bug. I think it has to do with my need for a mission or maybe it is the fact that there are more and more gourmet trucks making their way down from LA into Orange County. Gourmet food trucks are not new but I think they are finally starting to get the credit they deserve. As you may or may not know, it is very hard to turn a profit in a traditional brick and mortar establishment. This is especially the case in Southern California where chain restaurants are prevalent.

Social media has made it possible for food trucks to get the word out without having to break the bank on advertising. If you do a quick search around Twitter you will find a very large number of trucks in Los Angeles, New York, Portland, Miami, Las Vegas and many other cites.

Last night we were in one of those moods to try something new. I was playing on Twitter and ran into @crepesbonaparte. I checked out their website and was hooked. I saw they were going to be in Downtown Fullerton at 10PM and the plan was set. Kim and I took the quick drive from Irvine to Fullerton and found @crepesbonaparte right away. It then took us about 15 minutes to find a place to park. I had no clue that downtown Fullerton was such a “happening” place.

Crepes Bonaparte Truck

We were lucky as there was no line at the truck. My first impression was how clean and bright the truck was. All white with stainless steal and two crepe makers right at the window. Kim ordered their HazelBerryAna on wheat, which was filled with Strawberries, Bananas, Nutella, and dusted with powdered sugar. I ordered a traditional Ham and Mozzarella crepe on white. I do love savory crepes.

It took about 5 minutes to get our order. It was fun to watch them make the crepes fresh. It reminded us of being at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The person we ordered from was super friendly, which added to the positive experience.

The crepes were very good. Mine was exactly like I expected it to be. Lots of melted cheese and the crepe itself was tender and delicious. If we were actually at the Eiffel Tower it would have been perfect. Kim’s was good as well. The wheat crepe (which neither of us have had before) was a little dryer. I am not sure that was the way it is supposed to be or just a touch over cooked. We will have to try it again to be sure! However it had the right amount of Nutella and good-sized portion of bananas and strawberries.

HazelBerryAna on Wheat

Inside the HazelBerryAna on Wheat

Traditional Ham and Mozzarella crepe

Overall we were very impressed. This will become a regular stop for us when we are up late and in the mood for a short adventure.

I am really starting to like this food truck craze. We have now visited two trucks the @kogibbq and the @crepesbonaparte. Both were excellent. Who would have thought? If you are interested in checking out information on gourmet food trucks, I would recommend these two sites:

Gourmet Food Trucks (@GourmetFoodTrk) and Mobile Cravings (@MobileCravings)

I really hope more trucks come down to Orange County. Here is a list of the ones I know about in addition to the Kogi Korean BBQ Truck (@kogibbq), and Crepes Bonaparte Truck (@CrepesBonaparte).

Crepes Bonaparte Food Truck on Urbanspoon

Louks Food Truck (@LouksToGo)
Piaggio on Wheels Truck (@piaggioonwheels)
The Taco Dawg Truck (@TheTacoDawg)
Kabob N Roll Truck (@kabobnroll)
Barcelona OntheGo (@BrcelonaOntheGo)

We will be visiting you soon!
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  1. Great blog, makes me want crepes really bad. Thanks for the plug for @GourmetFoodTrk and posting to the Gourmet Food Trucks fan page on Facebook.

  2. Both the crepes look really good, I can't wait to try the crepes truck. It will be a big decision which one to order. I also saw in the video he was putting peanut butter in one, that wouldn't be bad either.
